Revolutionize Your Approach to Pricing!

Unlock Your Earning Potential

Take the first 3 steps to raise your prices and increase your income.

Gain Confidence and Clarity

Feel more confident in your value and have the tools to overcome self-doubt.

Effective Client Communication

Learn to communicate with clients effectively and with certainty, boosting your business relationships.

Master 'Power Pricing' Strategies Now

Stop selling yourself short and unlock your earning potential with the Power Pricing Action Guide for Women. This guide offers the first 3 steps to help female business owners raise their prices, gain confidence, and communicate effectively with clients.

Undercharging and discounting may be costing you $1,000's

Hi, I'm Miki, and I understand the challenges female business owners face when it comes to pricing. I'm here to hold your hand through the process, boost your confidence, and help you achieve your financial goals. Let's take the first step together towards a successful pricing strategy.

Take the Guesswork Out of Your Pricing 

Take the first step towards setting or raising your prices with confidence.  Download your Power Pricing Guide now!